牛福洲 副教授

时间:2021-09-04 浏览:


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性 别





职 称


职 务






1)2010/09-2018/02,香港城市大学,机械与生物医学工程系,工学博士,导师:孙东 教授 (IEEE fellow, 加拿大工程院院士,欧洲科学与人文学院院士);

2)2010/09-2017/12,中国科学技术大学,精密仪器及机械,工学博士,导师:杨杰 教授,张世武 教授;






1) 磁驱动微操控系统的设计与优化;

2) 基于生物材料的微型结构(微通道、微支架、微球)等的制备与应用;

3) 多模态运动形态的微机器人设计、制备及其应用;

4) 多物理场耦合作用下微操控机理研究;

5) 基于图像视觉的微机器人轨迹跟踪、路径规划、闭环控制;

6) 柔性仿生微型机器人的设计、制备及其应用。



[1]. Hui Niu,& Niu, Fuzhou et. al “Three-dimensional Silk Fibroin/ Chitosan Based Microscaffold for Anticancer Drug Screening.”Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology,2022

[2]. Chen, Y., Yang, H., Li, M., Zhu, S., Chen, S., Dong, L., Niu, Fuzhou., & Yang, R. 3D-Printed Light-Driven Microswimmer with Built-In Micromotors. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2021

[3]. Yang, R., Zhu, S., Zhang, L., Niu, Fuzhou., & Liu, S. Magnetic microswimmers with infrared-induced shape transformation. Micro & Nano Letters, 16(12), 582–590. 2021

[4]. Niu, Fuzhou, Ziyang Li, Lijian Yang, Zhengtian Wu, Qixin Zhu, and Baoping Jiang. “Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control of a VAV Air-Conditioning Terminal Temperature System.” Research Article. Complexity. Hindawi, December 22, 2020.

[5]. Niu, Fuzhou, Xifu Chen, Xuemei Niu, Yifan Cai, Qingkui Zhang, Tao Chen, and Hao Yang. “Integrated Immunomagnetic Bead-Based Microfluidic Chip for Exosomes Isolation.” Micromachines 11, no. 5 (May 2020): 503.

[6]. Niu, Fuzhou, Xia Li, Yiying Xu, Hao Chen, and Hui Niu. “Effects of Diffusion and Magnetic Field in Immunomagnetic Bead-Based On-Chip Exosomes Isolation.” Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 127 (August 2020): 73–74.

[7]. Liu, Yanwei, Limeng Wang, Fuzhou Niu, Pengyang Li, Yan Li, and Tao Mei. “A Track-Type Inverted Climbing Robot with Bio-Inspired Spiny Grippers.” Journal of Bionic Engineering 17, no. 5 (September 1, 2020): 920–31.

[8]. Li, Dongfang, Fuzhou Niu, Junyang Li, Xiaojian Li, and Dong Sun. “Gradient-Enhanced Electromagnetic Actuation System with a New Core Shape Design for Microrobot Manipulation.”IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics67, no.6 (2019): 4700-4710.

[9]. Meng, Ke, Yuanjun Jia, Hao Yang, Fuzhou Niu, Yong Wang, and Dong Sun. “Motion Planning and Robust Control for the Endovascular Navigation of a Microrobot.”IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics16, no.7 (2019) :4557-4566.

[10]. Wang, Qingtao, Zhen Zhao, Yang Zhang, Zhaojun Pang, and Fuzhou Niu. “Nonlinear Large Deformation of Graphene Sheets Using a Nonlocal-Based ANCF Method.”International Journal of Applied Mechanics 11, no. 04 (2019): 1950037.

[11]. Liang, Zhen, Runhuai Yang, Chenchen Xu, Shaohui Hou, Guoqing Jin, and Fuzhou Niu. “The Simulation and Experiment Study of a Wearable, Flexible and Transparent Biomimetic Voltage Source.” InInternational Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, 1081–1089. Springer, 2019.

[12]. Zhu, Botao, Yifan Cai, Zhengtian Wu, Fuzhou Niu, and Hao Yang. “Dielectrophoretic Microfluidic Chip Integrated With Liquid Metal Electrode for Red Blood Cell Stretching Manipulation.”IEEE Access 7 (2019): 152224–152232.

[13]. Yang, Runhuai, Tianyun Gao, Didi Li, Yueming Chen, Guoqing Jin, Haiyi Liang, and Fuzhou Niu. “Transparent and Flexible Force Sensor Based on Microextrusion 3D Printing.”Micro & Nano Letters 13, no. 10 (2018): 1460–1464.

[14]. Niu, Fuzhou, Junyang Li, Weicheng Ma, Jie Yang, and Dong Sun. “Development of an Enhanced Electromagnetic Actuation System with Enlarged Workspace.”IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 22, no. 5 (2017): 2265–2276.

[15]. Ma, Weicheng, Junyang Li, Fuzhou Niu, Haibo Ji, and Dong Sun. “Robust Control to Manipulate a Microparticle with Electromagnetic Coil System.”IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64, no. 11 (2017): 8566–8577.

[16]. Ma, Weicheng, Junyang Li, Fuzhou Niu, Bo Ouyang, Haibo Ji, and Dong Sun. “A Robust Control Scheme for 3D Manipulation of a Microparticle with Electromagnetic Coil System.” In2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 4660–4665. IEEE, 2017.

[17]. Zhu, Jieyi, Fuzhou Niu, Changan Zhu, Jie Yang, and Ning Xi. “Graphene-Based FET Detector for E. Coli K12 Real-Time Monitoring and Its Theoretical Analysis.” Research Article.Journal of Sensors. May 18, 2016.

[18]. Li, Junyang, Weicheng Ma, Fuzhou Niu, Yu Ting Chow, Shuxun Chen, Bo Ouyang, Haibo Ji, Jie Yang, and Dong Sun. “Development of Biocompatible Magnetic Microrobot Transporter Using 3D Laser Lithography.” In2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), 739–744. IEEE, 2016.

[19]. Li, Junyang, Fuzhou Niu, Yuting Chow, Shuxun Chen, and Dong Sun. “Fabrication and Characterization of Magnetic Porous Microrobots.” In2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 420–423. IEEE, 2015.

[20]. Ma, Weicheng, Fuzhou Niu, Xiangpeng Li, Haibo Ji, and Dong Sun.. “Modeling and Closed-Loop Control of Electromagnetic Manipulation of a Microparticle.” In2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 143–148. IEEE, 2015.

[21]. Niu, Fuzhou, Weicheng Ma, Henry K. Chu, Haibo Ji, Jie Yang, and Dong Sun. “An Electromagnetic System for Magnetic Microbead’s Manipulation.” In2015 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), 1005–1010. IEEE, 2015.

[22]. Niu, Fuzhou, Weicheng Ma, Xiangpeng Li, Henry K. Chu, Jie Yang, Haibo Ji, and Dong Sun. “Modeling and Development of a Magnetically Actuated System for Micro-Particle Manipulation.”In 14th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, 127–130. IEEE, 2014.

[23]. Ma, Weicheng, Fuzhou Niu, Xiangpeng Li, Haibo Ji, Jie Yang, and Dong Sun. “Automated Manipulation of Magnetic Micro Beads with Electromagnetic Coil System.”In The 7th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering, 47–50. IEEE, 2013.


1) 2019年全国商业科技进步奖 “机器人控制的若干关键技术及应用”一等奖,(6/10)

2) 2019年全国商业科技进步奖 “新型超声椭圆振动精密切削装备研制与产业化”三等奖,(9/12)

3) 2019年江苏机械工业科技进步奖 “机器人控制的若干关键技术及应用” 一等奖,(8/12)

4) 2020年全国商业科技进步奖 “机电装备质量监控与智能诊断关键技术及应用”三等奖,(4/12)

5) 2021年苏州市人工智能科学技术奖“多物理场耦合作用下磁控微型机器人的精准操控”三等奖,(1/2)



1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,61903269,“血流环境中磁控微机器人的操控机理与导航控制方法研究”,2020/01-2022/12,主持;

2) 江苏省科技计划项目青年项目,BK20190941,“面向微创介入诊疗的血管内微型机器人的操控机理和导航控制方法研究”,2019/07-2022/06,主持;

3) 苏州市重点产业技术创新-前瞻性应用研究项目,SYG201813,“面向微创诊疗的可控电磁力驱动的微纳机器人一体化操控系统及关键技术研究”,2018/07-2020/06,主持;

4) 江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目,18KJB460026,“微机器人在三维血流环境中的操控机理及导航控制研究”,2018/09-2020/08,主持


1) 中国人民解放军某部**项目,“特种工程**项目”,2020/05-2020/12,190万元,主持;

2) 南京晨光集团有限责任公司,“伺服机构强度磨合试验台”,2021.4-2021.11,158万元,第一参与人。


1) 江苏省高层次创新创业人才引进计划(双创博士)项目


1) 教育部产学研协同与人项目,2021年春季,主持

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